Saturday, August 13, 2011

San Francisco

Yes, it has been a long time since I last posted on here. Time has FLOWN by!! So I will begin where I left off... We went to San Francisco for a week to work at a bunch of different places and do a whole bunch of different things. So I have picked out pictures hopefully from a few different things we did, and I will try to explain all of them---

some of the kids working at Alemany Farms. A community garden where people can come and work and then take home some of the food that is there. 

still working at Alemany Farms

a group shot from Alemany Farms.

We went to a Giants baseball game. And because I bought us group tickets, we got to put something on the score board. Well, we thought it was going to be one name at a time.... and Brad, Bag and I were really excited for what we decided to put on the score board. And it was really tiny... But this is what it said--- 


We also worked at the San Francisco Food Bank. We bagged pasta one day, and beans another day. It was amazing how much we packaged that day. 

We also spent an afternoon on the beach swimming, and of course rock climbing. 

One morning we went to Mount Davidson to work with the Parks and Recreation Department . 

We had to cut down black berry bushes which were nasty little things. They had huge thorns on them!! We cut them down then raked and carried them into a trail to close the trail so that no one could use it any more. I was so proud of my girls working. Most of them had shorts on, and got right up in those bushes cutting them down and moving them to the trail we were blocking. At the end of the afternoon, our legs were so cut up, it looked like we were mauled by a bear or something. I was so proud of them for getting right into it all, and working their butts off. 
I talked to one of the Parks and Rec guys after and he said that we were one of the best teams he has ever had come and work for them. We got right down and dirty, and did the work we were asked to do. He was so amazed that we were not doing this for community service, or anything like that. We were just doing it to be good people. 

We found out that at the top of Mount davidson there was a huge, and I mean huge cross! It was really cool to hike up there and see it. Then after we were done working, we went up there and had a Bible Study. 

You can kinda tell how big this is. Those are some of the kids standing at the bottom of the cross.

Some of the girls after a long day of working in the blackberry bushes. 

Brad and two of the boys. 

Now this, well this place was interesting to say the least. We went to a soup kitchen called Food Not Bombs to help them cook dinner than pass it out to people who were needed a meal for the night. 

We got right to work, cutting potatoes, shucking corn, everything. While what was going on around us was very different. We actually ended up at an Anarchist house and soup kitchen, and on top of that was plenty more red flags that I just wont get into. (I would be more than happy to share the story, just ask me and I will let you know of this great experience)
All in all with that experience, I was so proud of all the kids putting their heads down and getting right to work. They did not ask questions, or stop and stare, they just put their heads down and went straight to work. They all held their shit together through it all. I was so amazed with all of them!

We actually stayed in San Anselmo across the Golden Gate Bridge, so it was cool, other than the $6 to get into the city, to drive over the bridge every day. 

Another thing we did that I did not get any pictures of was we split up into smaller groups of about 4 or 5 and went around to 'meet a need'. Mostly that meant that we took someone to lunch. But other times they did not want any food, but wanted socks. So we went and got them socks. And another time we met a lady named Mama K, and she needed mats to sleep on. They would always sleep on cardboard, but the city kept throwing it away. So we went out and bought them some yoga mats to sleep on. It was amazing to see the kids really step out of their comfort zone, and talk to people who they would normally not talk to. But again they amazed me over and over each day we did this, and they always would talk to them as if they were their friend. 

All in all this was a great trip. Everyone had a great time, and we learned a lot. I really leaned what it meant to 'love your neighbor as yourself'. All the kids did an amazing job with working, and really did more than we thought they would do. It was amazing how well they held their shit together. I was so proud of them day after day.

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